Determined to See

I Want My Eyesight

Written By: ingridricks - Aug• 12•13

DSC02338I’ve been in Italy for the past week—part of a dream vacation my husband and I have been planning with our two daughters for years. And in case I needed a reminder of just how critical eyesight is, this trip has been it.

Whether it’s navigating crowds, catching trains, climbing stairs or playing cards with my daughters, eyesight is the common denominator.  And that’s before even getting to the real reason for the trip: which is to SEE the incredible history and beauty Europe has to offer.

I’m a big believer in the power of putting intentions out into the Universe.  So in case I’ve not been shouting loud enough, here it is again: I want my eyesight. I want to see my daughters grow up and have children of their own. I want to watch my husband grow old and see myself grow old with him. I want to travel the world and see every amazing wonder there is to see.  And I want to see my computer screen when I write about it all.

There have been days during my quest to heal my eyesight that I’ve worried about the expense and time associated with seeking out alternative treatments and have wondered if it’s worth it.

This trip has been a resounding kick in the pants for me. If I had cancer, I would be seeking out every treatment possible to beat the disease—and worry about finances later. I know nothing in life is certain and that there are no guarantees that the treatments I’m seeking out will do the trick. But my eyes are worth the gamble and I’m determined to do everything in my power to maintain the vision I have.

Our current stop? Cinque Terra – one of the most beautiful spots in the world to SEE.


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  1. Pam Perry says:

    Oh Ing, I’ve been thinking of you all so much! Hope you are having a fabulous time, despite the hardships. You can see the world through THEIR eyes and words too… but we’re all rooting for you to get yours back so keep up those intentions! xoxo

  2. Alysa S. says:

    I’m so glad you’re getting the opportunity to see these places, and that this trip has motivated you even more than before! Enjoy yourself, take in everything you can, and when things get tough, remember that challenges sometimes make for the best travel stories later. Wishing you guys a continued ‘bon voyage’, and best wishes to you as always.

  3. Stephanie Durden Edwards says:

    Dear Universe,
    We, the people who love and adore Ingrid, want her to have her eyesight back. Consider this a formal declaration of our intentions and desires. Please honor our request beginning now.
    We want Ingrid to see her world long after her youngest great-grandchild graduates from college.
    Thank you,

  4. Sandro Pretolani says:

    Dear,dear Ingrid : I’m Italian and I often do not realize how beautiful is my country ,so I rediscover it through you – I hope, indeed I am sure, that you’ll come back to Italy many times to see (and repeat: to SEE! )my wonderful country – research is doing wonders!

    • ingridricks says:


      Your country is absolutely breathtaking. I would love to live in Italy a couple months each year (one day soon, I hope!). We had an amazing savor it for me.

  5. Kim O. says:

    I’m so happy you are enjoying this wonderful trip with your family. And I hold hope with you that your vision will be fully restored. I’m believing the same thing for my 10yo son who has RP. I have a chronic un-curable autoimmune disease so I’ve personally been on the search for a natural cure for myself for the last 4 years. Now, that my son was diagnosed, I’m trying to figure out the balance for us both. I think it falls somewhere between “trying everything” and “enjoying the moment” LOL – Thank you so much for sharing your journey. Blessings.

  6. Jared says:

    Italy is an amazing place Ingrid, I’m glad you and the family have the opportunity to explore it. Did I tell you a started studying a bit of Italian? Hopefully in the next few years we’ll be able to live there, or at least hang out for a few months.

    Enjoy the rest of your trip, and let me know everywhere and everything you’ve seen on the trip.


  7. Eyesight Guy says:

    Eyesight is one of the best gift given to us by God. I was searching for a solution to improve my eyesight and I found this. Good One indeed!

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