Determined to See

I Feel Hope

Written By: ingridricks - Feb• 18•13

It’s hard to put into words the emotional swing I’ve experienced over the past couple of weeks. When I walked out of the retinal specialist’s office on January 30th, I felt empty, devastated and doomed.

Paper with one word
Now, less than three weeks later, I feel like I’ve been handed back my life. For nearly two weeks now, I’ve been diligently doing eye exercises and acupressure. And since last week, I’ve been significantly reducing my computer, smart phone, reading and TV time and taking the Chinese herbs from Dr. Yu. I’ve also been eating a pint of blueberries a day, limiting myself to one cup of coffee each morning and drinking room temperature water. Every day now, my energy is devoted to healing my eyesight. I start my morning with acupressure and quiet time and make sure I get in at least a long walk or quick workout during the day. And I feel better than I’ve felt in years.

I also feel like I’m seeing a little better. It makes sense that when you reduce stress, start consciously taking care of yourself and have a positive outlook, everything looks and feels better. But I also already feel like something else is going on inside me. In addition to everything else, I think the herbs from Dr. Yu that I dissolve in hot water each morning and evening are helping me–to the point that I’m worried I’m going to run out before my next appointment with him. (Not that I’m letting this stress me out, because i know it’s a problem I can do something about).

Whatever it is that’s happening, I feel an incredible sense of hope for my eyesight. And it’s powerful.


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  1. Christopher says:

    I am so glad you are feeling something happening, Ingrid. Your tenacity to follow Dr. Yu’s regimen and herbs will pay huge dividends for your sight, I can FEEL it!

    • ingridricks says:

      Thanks, Chris. The positive energy from everyone has been amazing. I definitely feel yours (thank you) – and am with you, I feel this is going to pay off too.

  2. raiti waerness says:

    this is so exciting, and wonderful that you are sharing your journey. will follow your progress with warm feelings of support for you!

  3. Having new hope is so thrilling. I’m hoping for you too!

  4. Lisa Carlson says:

    As a fellow RP patient, I look forward to reading about your journey. Thanks for sharing it with the rest of us.

  5. Mari-Ann Kind Jackson says:

    Ingrid, what a happy feeling to read your blog about you taking care of YOU! I’m beaming my absolute support, and if you want physical support – for driving or whatever, I’m here for you. Lots of love, M-A

  6. suzanne says:

    Keep on going, Ing…eating a pint of blueberries a day is impressive in itself. :0)

  7. Steph Durden says:

    Keep going, Ingrid. You are such an inspiration!

  8. Go, Ingrid, go! Thank you for sharing your inspiring journey. There’s so much good on the horizon for you.

  9. Steve Ullom says:

    So glad to hear that you have something wonderful happening! That is so cool!

  10. Robyn Montgomery says:

    Ingrid, My husband, his mother, brother and sister all suffer from RP. Now my 14 year old daughter is showing significant loss of peripheral vision and has total night vision. She has great friends who lead her around in the dark and she has a great attitude. I am interested in following your progress this year and hope that you are able to experience a great increase in your vision. Do you have any words of advise for a 14 year old who still loves to dance competitively and who still wants to do everything her friends are doing?

    • ingridricks says:


      Thanks so much for connecting. Your daughter inspires me – in fact, your comment inspired me to write a post. I hope it helps her — and my thoughts are with you. Because I can just imagine how tough all of this is for you. I am really hopeful about the future. I know a lot of people have benefitted from Chinese Medicine and so many other treatments are advancing that I know there is going to be a solution for your daughter — and hopefully your husband, his mother, and sister too. (FYI..I have a 14-year-old daughter too).

      • Robyn Montgomery says:

        Thank you Ingrid. I usually try to think positively about problems and look for the good but sometimes it’s difficult. I told my husband years ago that I thought there would surely by something in place to help our daughter in the future. But, I am also beginning to think that there may be a cure for him as well. I believe that this may have been brought into her life to guide who she will be one day. Sounds corny but maybe she has RP because it’s how she can share a message with others. For an example – this year she is taking Speech with the most amazing teacher ever. There is a 20 year old autistic man (child) who comes into their speech class because the teacher loves him and spends wonderful time with him. He is totally blind. For some reason he and my daughter have connected and I believe that it’s not an accident that they ended up in the same place this year. I think seeing him has really brought an insight that she may have never experienced in her lifetime. Now not to get too religious, but I believe God brings certain people into our lives for a purpose and that’s what we have been talking about lately. She is so wonderful with little children and he has the mind of a 4 year old. Her teacher has asked her to keep a journal each day of things he may have done or said. What wonderful teacher and student God has brought into her life. So sorry for rambling but it’s something I feel so passionately about. Thank you for your blog and your insights!

        • ingridricks says:

          Your daughter sounds really amazing, Robyn. And it sounds like she is already doing cool things with her life. I’m with you..I think there is going to be something to help both your daughter and husband.

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