Determined to See

A Year Into My Eyesight Healing Quest – What I’ve Learned

Written By: ingridricks - Feb• 02•14

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It’s been a year since I walked into yet another retinal specialist’s office—this time hoping that her stem cell research might offer an answer for my eyesight—only to be told once again that there is no hope for me and that I was quickly running out of time.

Though I’m still paying off that visit ($1,200 for an afternoon’s worth of tests and gloom & doom), I’m grateful because it finally gave me the kick in the pants I needed to take matters into my own hands and do everything in my power to save my vision.

A year later, I feel like I’ve found an answer that works for me—and believe that if I stick to it, I can preserve the eyesight I have left (and maintain the bits of improvement I’ve experienced).

Over this past year, I’ve tried every alternative/naturopathic therapy I could get my hands on:

  • I’ve undergone acupuncture treatment with Dr. Yu in Canada, with a local acupuncturist in Seattle and most recently with Dr. Rosenfarb in New Jersey
  • I’ve ingested three months worth of expensive algae pills from Israel
  • I’ve downed various concoctions of Chinese herbs
  • I’ve played around with a variety of vitamin supplements
  • I’ve undergone extensive food allergy testing and blood work
  • I’ve incorporated regular eye exercises and acupressure into my routine
  • I’ve revamped my diet
  • I’ve upped my daily exercise and have been more conscious about managing stress


Because RP represents a group of disorders and so many variables are involved, I think it’s impossible to find a one-size-fits-all solution. What helps one person doesn’t necessarily help the next.  Beyond that, I’ve not found any one thing that resembles a magic pill for this.

I think eye exercises, vitamin supplements and an overall healthy lifestyle all play an important role in managing this disease. But of everything I’ve tried this past year, I believe these are the two most critical keys to preserving my eyesight:

  1. Diet Changes
  2. Treatment with Dr. Rosenfarb


Diet Changes

By diet changes, I mean I’ve completely revamped the way I eat to reduce inflammation and increase circulation in my body. I now start every day with a large glass of filtered water and a freshly made juice consisting of kale, cucumber, celery and Chia seeds.  I’ve cut out ALL sodas, almost all processed food and have reduced my coffee intake to one eight ounce hemp mocha a day. I’ve greatly reduced my meat, sugar and gluten intake and am trying to focus as much as possible on fresh vegetables and fruits  (I still indulge in a big platter of nachos occasionally – but that’s now the exception, not the norm).  For more information on diet, I highly recommend checking out the resources at I also recommend reading this interview with Dr. Damon Miller, who also treats RP and has been speaking out about the correlation between diet and eye health for years. He offers an extensive, affordable home treatment program that  has been beneficial for many RP patients.


Treatment with Dr. Rosenfarb 

I didn’t want to start treatment with Dr. Rosenfarb because it meant traveling across country, incurring more expense and leaving my husband and daughters for a week or two at a time. But I had grown to respect him and his work so much over the year that I decided I had to go for it—at least once.  My plan was to undergo his treatment, see if it helped me and, if it did, have my local Seattle acupuncturist undergo his RP treatment training course. But I experienced such good results during one week of treatment and liked him so much that I realized I don’t want to trust my eyes with anyone else.

Dr. Rosenfarb hasn’t promised to restore my eyesight.  He can’t guarantee that he will be able to maintain the improvements he’s been able to obtain for me—or that ongoing treatment with him will ensure that I save the eyesight I have left.  What he has promised me is that he’ll do everything in his power to help me.  He so experienced in treating degenerative eye diseases, so determined to keep searching for answers and collaborating with experts around the world, and so committed to getting his treatment methods measured by Western medical standards that I know he’s the right practitioner for me.

I’m not sure where the future will lead.  It’s hard to maintain cross-country trips from both a cost and time standpoint — and it puts a burden on my family every time I leave. But like all of you, I want my eyesight desperately and I really believe in Dr. Rosenfarb.  The good news is he that’s offering training to interested acupuncturists, and more and more practitioners are starting to recognize that Eastern medicine can help treat degenerative eye diseases. So I’m hopeful that soon this treatment will be more accessible and affordable for all of us.

Many of you have emailed me asking for more specifics about Dr. Rosenfarb’s treatment.  All I can do is share my experience (scroll down through recent blog posts for broader information or click here to read results) and encourage you to do your own research..  But whatever you do, don’t accept “no hope” for an answer.  Because the one thing I’ve learned over this past year is that there is plenty we can do to help preserve and improve our eyesight.


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Help Me Put the National Spotlight on RP

Written By: ingridricks - Jan• 21•14


Okay…after two weeks of nonstop book launch craziness, I’m finally back in Seattle and back to my daily eye health routine.

I’m re-committing myself to my whole-body health focus: diet, lifestyle, emotional health, physical health with eye exercises and supplements sprinkled into the mix. I’m also back to my daily kale, celery & cucumber juice with a teaspoon of chia seed—which I absolutely swear by these days  And…I just booked my next week-long trip to New Jersey for a second treatment with Dr. Rosenfarb.  He’s so involved in working to get his RP treatment protocol tested and recognized by the Western medical community and the world as a whole that I believe he represents the best ongoing treatment solution for RP currently available.

Because of his expertise in eye health, Dr. Rosenfarb was recently invited on the Dr. Oz show to discuss simple, effective ways to maintain eye health as we age. The segment was powerful—but he didn’t have an opportunity to talk about the more important work he is doing to help patients with Retinitis Pigmentosa, macular degeneration and other degenerative eye diseases to save their eyesight.

I think his Dr. Oz appearance opens the door for us and gives us an opportunity to shine the spotlight on RP and the preventive measures available to us.

To view Dr. Rosenfarb on the Dr. Oz show, click here And if you have a minute, leave a comment about Dr. Rosenfarb’s RP clinical trial with Johns Hopkins University and your desire to have Dr. Oz do a show on that.  (Here’s a link to that study and the initial results).

 I know that when it comes to medical research and funding, the squeaky wheel gets the oil. Let’s BE the squeaky wheel.



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Taking Today to Celebrate

Written By: ingridricks - Jan• 07•14

HippieBoy In some ways, this post doesn’t have much to do with my eyesight-healing quest. But I think that every once in a while, we need to just stop and enjoy life and CELEBRATE the victories. And today is a big day for me. Penguin is releasing my memoir, Hippie Boy—which I first self-published two years ago—nationwide as a trade paperback today.  It’s a dream come true for me, and it was in part my struggle with Retinitis Pigmentosa that prompted me to write this story and get it out into the world.

Yesterday I had the opportunity to be talk about Hippie Boy and it’s correlation to my journey with RP on the New Day Northwest morning show in Seattle. I’m convinced there is huge connection between emotional health and physical health – and think some of you will identify with this. But I also just wanted to share it with you.

Here’s to happiness, our dreams, and embracing every moment!.

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Andy Rosenfarb Treatment Week 2

Written By: ingridricks - Dec• 30•13

Okay—I know I’m about two weeks late in posting this. But life sort of got in the way.  I sprinted from my final appointment to the train station, barely made my flight, landed in Seattle early morning Dec. 14 and then was slammed straight into holiday season prep, work catch up and family vacation.

My second week of treatment with Dr. Rosenfarb was a repeat of week one:  a session of acu-laser therapy & micro acupuncture, an hour break, then a session of electro-acupuncture & micro acupuncture.

Though I hoped I would double down on my improvements from Week 1, I only experienced a little more improvement to my eyesight at the end of the second week—primarily a little expansion in my outer periphery.  What this means for me is that my eyes responded most to the initial jolt they received in the first week.  Which means that going forward, I only need to go continue with one-week follow up treatments vs. two weeks.

Both my husband and I are very happy about this part of it because six days away from my family and life every three months is much more doable and affordable than thirteen days away.  (both treatment costs and hotel costs are cut in half).

I head back to New Jersey for another week of treatment in March.  In the meantime, I’m back to doing what I can at home to retain and help my eyesight and overall health: eating healthy, green juicing, exercising, keeping stress at a minimum, taking my supplements & herbs and ENJOYING LIFE.

Wishing you all an amazing 2014!!!

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The Low-Down on Dr. Rosenfarb’s RP Treatment

Written By: ingridricks - Dec• 10•13

The RP treatment test results I posted on Friday have generated so much interest and so many questions that I want to try to address them all here.

  1. Where is Dr. Rosenfarb located?  His clinic, Acupuncture Health Associates, is located in Westfield, New Jersey.
  2. How much does it cost? Current rates are $2,000 per week — some patients come for one week; some patients come for two weeks.  This includes initial consultation, baseline eyesight testing, two daily treatments, testing on Fridays and an individual home treatment protocol designed by Dr. Rosenfarb based on the patient’s specific needs.
  3. How long do the results last? Dr. Rosenfarb told me it varies greatly among patients. On average, he says 3-6 months.  He usually recommends that patients come three times the first year –- which is when most of the recovery takes place — then once or twice a year after that for maintenance.
  4. Can I tell a difference in vision in my everyday life?  My visual acuity is definitely better, but I don’t see much difference in my peripheral vision (though it has definitely improved — six degrees, while  better than 2 degrees — is still a small hole for my central vision.)  I’m not looking at this treatment as a quick fix or “restore-all-my-eyesight” solution. What the first week of treatment told me is that this is an affective treatment for me. I’m convinced that it will restore some of my eyesight  (because it already has) and help me maintain what I have left. And that, to me, is worth the investment.

If you have any additional questions or want more information, please contact Dr. Rosenfarb directly at Acupuncture Health Associates.

  • Web:
  • Office: 908-928-0060
  • Email:



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Dr. Rosenfarb Treatment: Week 1 Test Results

Written By: ingridricks - Dec• 06•13

happiness-withinI wish all of you were here to share a bottle of champagne with me, because I’m in serious celebration mode.  After five days of treatment with Dr. Rosenfarb, my first round of test results are in.  And they are AMAZING.

I knew I was in bad shape. But didn’t fully appreciate how bad off I was until I had my “before” and “after” comparisons—especially as it relates to visual acuity.



Near Right Vision:

  • Before Treatment: 20/125
  • After Treatment: 20/50

Near left Vision

  • Before Treatment: 20/80
  • After Treatment: 20/50

Near Vision Both Eyes:

  • Before Treatment:20/80
  • After Treatment: 20/40

 Far Right Vision:

  • Before Treatment: 20/40
  • After Treatment: 20/25

 Far Left Vision:

  • Before Treatment: 20/40
  • After Treatment: 20/25

Far Vision Both Eyes: 

  • Before Treatment: 20/40
  • After Treatment: 20/25



Right Eye Horizontal (central core)

  • Before Treatment: 0-2 degrees
  • After Treatment 0-6 degrees

Right Eye Horizontal (far periphery)

  • Before Treatment: 50-80 degrees
  • After Treatment: 40 – 93 degrees

Top Right (central core) 

  • Before Treatment: 0-4 degrees
  • After Treatment: 0-9 degrees

Top Right (far periphery – forgot to measure)

Bottom Right (central core)

  • Before Treatment: 0-3 degrees
  • After Treatment: 0-6 degrees

Bottom Right (far periphery)

  • Before Treatment:  80 – 90 degrees
  • After Treatment 65 – 90 degrees



Left Side Horizontal (central core)

  • Before Treatment: 0- 6 degrees
  • After Treatment: 0-6 degrees

Left Side Horizontal (far periphery)  

  • Before Treatment 80-90 degrees
  • After Treatment: 70-95 degrees

Top Left  (central core)

  • Before Treatment: 0-6 degrees
  • After Treatment: 0-6 degrees

Top Left (far periphery – forgot to measure)

Bottom Left (central core)

  • Before Treatment: 0-3 degrees
  • After Treatment: 0-7 degrees

Bottom Left (far periphery)

  1. Before Treatment: 70-90 degrees
  2. After Treatment: 60-90 degrees



 Note: This is a machine like the ones used by retinal specialists, only it stops at 30 degrees vs. 90 degrees.

Left Eye:

  • Before Treatment: I saw two dots flash
  • After Treatment: I saw nine dots flash

Right Eye:

  • Before Treatment: I saw three dots flash
  • After Treatment: I saw eight dots flash



Note: This test measures ability to differentiate colors

  • Before Treatment: 6 out of 9 cards correct
  • After Treatment: 8 out of 9 cards correct



Note: This test measures ability to pick up color as it fades

  • Before Treatment: I could identify 7 out of 8 lines
  • After treatment: I could identify ALL 8 lines


I’ve undergone extensive acupuncture over the past year with different practitioners but have never had anything close to these results. I feel like I’ve been given back my life. Thank you all for your amazing friendship, support and healing energy. And to all of you struggling with this eye disease—it’s worth contacting Dr. Rosenfarb at Acupuncture Health and at least talking with him about your case.  Every RP patient I’ve encountered this week has experienced a positive result. I wish I had started with him from the beginning.



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Laser Acupuncture for RP Treatment

Written By: ingridricks - Dec• 05•13

lazer image

This is me undergoing my daily acu-laser treatment. (I had no idea I look so sci-fi.) I asked Dr. Rosenfarb if he could provide an overview of how his laser acupuncture treatment works. Here’s what he had to say.

 Laser Acupuncture works by using photo-biomodulation (laser-light impulses) at specific acupuncture points around the body. It is believed that the body’s organ meridians in the Chinese Meridians exist at a light frequency. We use Acu-laser or “light needle” as a non-invasive way to stimulate certain acupuncture points that may benefit vision and improve function.

 My general theory is that acupuncture works more on the Qi (energy) and Blood (circulation) level.  Acupuncture opens the blockages and increases the flow of Qi and Blood to the eyes (branch symptom) and is also used to correct/support the underlying cause (root issue). Acupuncture does not add anything or take away from the body, it just helps regulate function. If the eyes receive oxygen, nutrients, fluids, glucose for fuel, and fats for nerve regeneration, the vision will stabilize and may improve.  

Laser therapy actually puts photon (light) energy into the body. This light energy is absorbed by the cells and stimulates the mitochondia in the cells to produce more ATP-energy and increase function. Mounting research suggests that cellular mitochondrial dysfunction is a key factor in the neuro-degenerative process (brain and eye). The laser treatment “doses” the cells with energy—like when you charge your cell phone battery. Due to the nature of RP, the eyes have genetic “weak batteries” which need regular recharging to keep them functional. We recommend periodic recharge using acu-laser treatment to keep the nerve cells fully charged.  This will help optimize eye health and function.

 Dr. Rosenfarb told me he uses laser acupuncture  in cases where patients don’t respond to traditional acupuncture, have experienced severe vision loss (me), and those who are uncomfortable with the needles. He stresses that when it comes to laser acupuncture, getting it just right is KEY. Too little “dosing” (power + time), and you won’t get a result. And he says overdosing can actually cause a negative response. He said he developed his treatment method in collaboration with European doctors who have done extensive research on laser therapy for eyes and is currently the only practitioner using it to treat eye diseases.

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Dr. Rosenfarb Treatment: Day 2

Written By: ingridricks - Dec• 04•13

glassesDay 2 treatment was a lot like the first:  laser therapy for the first treatment, electro acupuncture for the second treatment — with micro acupuncture (needles in the palms of my hands and bottoms of my feet) incorporated into both.

I’ll break out the reasoning for each treatment in upcoming blog posts.  My takeaway from Day 2 comes down to these five things:

1)  My adrenal glands are shot. Like the tongue, Dr. Rosenfarb told me that a patient’s pulse (and the spot where he takes the pulse), gives him a reading on different organs and different things happening within a person’s body. And like my ear reading from Day 1, my pulse reading indicated that my adrenal glands are in trouble. These are the fight or flight glands – the ones that apparently put out the inflammation fire in your body when it heats up. These aren’t currently working for me,  so I need to start doing something about it — namely reduce stress, reduce workload, and relax more.

2)  I need to incorporate deep breathing techniques. Dr. Rosenfarb says there are lots of reasons for this – but the gist is that deep breathing relaxes a person’s body and promotes healing.  I’ll write more about how to do this in a later blog post.

3)  When working on the computer, reading glasses – particularly glasses with a yellow or rose tint to them — are key for reducing eye strain and protecting eyes from the computer screen.  I’ve got to purchase a pair of tinted glasses. In the meantime, my $5.00 drugstore glasses are getting some serious use.  The other key is to take a ten-minute break after every twenty to thirty minutes of screen time.

4)  Dr. Rosenfarb’s treatment is clearly working for people struggling with RP.  After my first post about heading to treatment with Dr. Rosenfarb, I was contacted by three separate people with RP who wanted to share how Dr. Rosenfarb’s treatment has helped improved their eyesight and quality of life.  It’s inspiring to have them share their stories and I’m going to ask them if I can share them publicity on this blog.

5)  I’ve got an amazing support system.  I’ve received so many well wishes from friends as well as people I don’t know who are sending their healing energy my way.  It means everything to me.  THANK YOU.



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Dr. Rosenfarb Treatment Day 1

Written By: ingridricks - Dec• 03•13

20131202_122932I’m only a day into my treatment and though I don’t know where it will lead, I’m convinced I’ve found the right practitioner for me.

Why? Because Dr. Rosenfarb clearly knows eye health, he takes a whole-body health approach, is big on patient education and answers ALL of my questions.

After filling out the usual paperwork in the reception area (a comfortable room with a sofa, several chairs, a coffee table and magazines), I was greeted by Dr. Rosenfarb and taken into an office to discuss my medical history. Because he focuses on underlying conditions that may contribute to RP symptoms, I was required to undergo extensive blood testing before coming for treatment. Aside from high levels of Vitamin A (which makes sense given all the supplements I take), Dr. Rosenfarb said there was nothing out of the ordinary to suggest a problem or deficiency.

Unlike the Wellspring Clinic, where patients are required to undergo testing in the waiting room in front of all the other patients, here eye testing is done in private and is much more extensive. I underwent a close visual acuity eye exam, a far visual acuity eye exam, a color differentiation test, a visual field test with an actual visual field machine (though it only tests to thirty degrees) and another manual visual field test to measure my outer peripheral vision. The tests provided a very accurate picture of what I’m up against—and it’s not pretty.  This disease has wiped out the vast majority of my peripheral vision and has taken some of my central vision as well.

After the baseline eye tests, it was off to my first treatment—which was different from anything I’ve ever experienced with an acupuncturist.  Dr. Rosenfarb started the treatment with fifteen minutes of laser therapy, in which wires were taped to my face and laser lights beamed over my eyes. (Dr. Rosenfarb explained the reasoning behind laser therapy but I can’t remember—I’ll get clarification tomorrow).  Next, he pulled out a handheld device and began moving it around the edges and inside of my right ear (my dominant ear because I’m right-handed) to administer what called auriculoacupuncture. He explained that the ear contains numerous critical acupuncture points and said the ones that were active and required attention would trigger the device.  Whenever the device started beeping, he inserted what he called a semi-permanent acupuncture needle, which felt like I was getting ear piercings throughout my ear. He told me these tiny needles would stay in my ear for one to two days.  I think he inserted five altogether. The one that jumps out for me was the point connected to my kidneys. He noted that my kidney energy and adrenal glands were low—which he says is common in patients with RP.

After an hour’s break in the reception area, it was time for my second treatment.

It started with Dr. Rosenfarb asking me to stick out my tongue, because he said a person’s tongue is like a roadmap of a person’s body. What he found was interesting to both of us.  The tip of my tongue was bright red, while the rest of it was pale. He said the red at the tip of my tongue indicated inflammation in my head and upper body, while the pale color on my remaining tongue suggested a possible weak immune system.  I’m fighting a head cold right now, which Dr. Rosenfarb said could account for the tongue reading.  It’s something he’s going to keep an eye on over the next two weeks.  Then it was onto the real reason I was in the room: electroacupuncture.  In this procedure, needles attached to wires were inserted around the upper orbit of my eyes.  Then the machine was turned on and electrical currents produced a pulsating sensation where the needles were located.  I’m used to the electrical current part of this because I’ve done micro-current stimulation at home and have undergone electrical stimulation at my Seattle acupuncturist’s office. But I’ve never had it combined with acupuncture needles.  Along with this, Dr. Rosenfarb inserted needles into the palms of my hands and the bottoms of my feet (both very tender areas.)

While he was inserting needles, I asked him about my diet. He said that in Chinese medicine, my body type is considered to be “wood”, which means very active, fast metabolism etc.  As a result, he advised that I incorporate some sort of organic meat or animal protein into my diet. I’m very happy about this because I LOVE cheese.

I think the electroacupuncture treatment lasted for about a half hour, after which Dr. Rosenfarb armed me with a couple of bottles of Chinese herbs and sent me on my way. The entire day’s treatment lasted about three hours.

Okay, I’m signing off because the Seahawks game is about to start. I’ll report more in a few days.



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Headed to Treatment with Dr. Rosenfarb

Written By: ingridricks - Dec• 02•13

Tarom.b737-700.yr-bgg.arpI spent all of yesterday on a plane and a series of trains, headed to Westfield, New Jersey for two weeks of treatment with Dr. Andy Rosenfarb.

I’m not crazy about spending two weeks away from my family or amassing more debt. But I vowed not to leave a stone unturned this year in my quest to save my eyesight. And given Dr. Rosenfarb’s track record and recent success with the Johns Hopkins Acupuncture/RP study, I’m convinced that I have to give his treatment a try. (Plus..I really like and respect Dr. Rosenfarb –which I’ve learned is key when seeking treatment).

Rosey, my Seattle acupuncturist, is in agreement with me. She’s committed to doing whatever she can to help me and I do think my twice-weekly sessions with her have been helping me to retain the eyesight I have left. But I’m the first RP patient she’s ever worked with and while she’s doing everything she can, I haven’t noticed a significant improvement in my vision and want to know if Dr. Rosenfarb’s treatment will give it a boost. And if his treatment doesn’t help me, I’m only out the travel expenses because Dr. Rosenfarb doesn’t charge for his services if patients don’t see a measurable improvement in their eyesight.

Like me, my husband and two daughters aren’t particularly thrilled about me leaving them for two weeks, especially with the holiday season underway. But Hannah, my youngest, speaks for all of them when she says that if it helps my eyesight—she’s okay with it. It would be the best Christmas gift anyone could give my family.

Heading to Dr.Rosenfarb’s clinic now for Day #1. I’ll keep you all posted.



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