With all the green juicing I’ve been doing, breast cancer was the last thing I saw coming. But I guess that’s the thing about life: It throws things at you whether you see them coming or not – and it’s a reminder that as hard as RP can get, there’s lots of hard core health […]
Read the rest of this entry »Archive for the 'Emotional Health' Category
Thankful for Our Partners
Jeanne’s Take: Ingrid Ricks is my RP partner in crime and the person who has made this journey not only tolerable but gratifying. We all need someone who understands the struggles firsthand and who opens up their ears and their hearts when you need it most. Of course there’s more to life than RP; a […]
Read the rest of this entry »End of Trial – New Beginning
Jeanne’s Take Where to start? At the beginning of course. I met Ingrid at a low point in my RP journey and it’s safe to say that what I read in her blog changed my life. While researching the ever-elusive “cure” for RP, I stumbled on Ingrid’s adventures with acupuncture and knew I had nothing […]
Read the rest of this entry »Art Therapy
Eyes and art enjoy a long and storied history and why not – the eyes are the windows of the soul. What better inspiration for the creative mind than attempting to capture the eye’s shrouded and brooding mystery? When my youngest child went off to college, I started tackling that long list of dreams that […]
Read the rest of this entry »Maintaining her Eyesight: Ten Years and Counting
Marisa Postlewate may suffer from Usher Syndrome 2A – a degenerative disease that consists of both Retintis Pigmentosa and progressive hearing loss. But most people wouldn’t know it by interacting with her. At almost 61, Marisa has nearly fifteen degrees of clear central vision and hearing that works fine with the help of hearing aids—and […]
Read the rest of this entry »RP – The Brighter Side
We’re all familiar with the downsides of our disease – not only are we forced to regularly rehash it but we live it day in and day out. It’s challenging at best and downright depressing at it’s worst. As Ingrid and I move through our journey towards healthier sight we have discovered much about the […]
Read the rest of this entry »Letting Go of Fear
When I walked out of the latest retinal specialist’s office a little over two years ago, I was consumed with fear. Like retinal specialists before her, my newest retinal specialist told me there was nothing I could do to stop the progression of my RP and save my eyesight. And when I pressed her for […]
Read the rest of this entry »My RP Strategy? Get Healthy
I’ve spent the past two years searching for answers to save my eyesight. And from everything I’ve learned, it comes down to one key concept: whole-body health. It’s not just adding a new vitamin or mineral supplement or changing up diet. It’s not just incorporating cardio exercise, reducing stress or adopting a positive outlook on […]
Read the rest of this entry »Focus
Focus. The word is so pregnant with meaning when you live with RP. Not your garden variety focus on daily tasks and minutiae but the struggle of focusing on objects, the snags of focusing conflicted feelings and the very real fear of focusing on a future without sight. I’ve been giving this thought since taking […]
Read the rest of this entry »Take Our Retinitis Pigmentosa Eye Health Challenge
Having regained some eyesight over the past two years, I’m convinced that we have the power to save and improve our vision. The question is, what we are willing to do to save it? For me, the answer has and continues to be a complete shift in lifestyle and mindset. I get messages every week […]
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